To Our Valued Clients,
Our company LOYALTY-SECU owns the trademark LOYALTY-SECU.
Proof of ownership of the trademark LOYALTY-SECU as follows:
So far, LOYALTY-SECU unauthorized any merchants to resell our products on e-commerce platforms such as Shopee/AliExpress/LAZADA/AMAZON, etc.
Recently, our company found that many merchants without our LOYALTY-SECU authorization, directly use our trademark, product information, product pictures, product manuals, promotional videos, as well as the official business website and other information to illegally sell products on e-commerce platforms such as Shopee/AliExpress/LAZADA/AMAZON, etc.
Against the above infringements, we will submit relevant complaint materials to the above e-commerce platforms and require the above infringing merchants to remove relevant products with our company’s promotional information. Meanwhile, our company reserves the right to pursue its tort legal responsibility through legal means!
To our valued clients, please carefully confirm whether it is a LOYALTY-SECU product when placing an order.
Here are the ways how to figure out if it is the LOYALTY-SECU product or not in the following:
- The Product Brand is LOYALTY-SECU
- The Product Package Box with LOYALTY-SECU Brand :
- Our Business Website: &
Shenzhen LOYALTY-SECU Technology Co., LTD